Ja joo, pikku potilas halusi kyllä malliksi, mutta voimat ja keskittymiskyky eivät sitten riittänytkään. Siksi varsinaisen poseerauksen hoitelee Allu Ankka.
We have stomackflu here. I´m the only one not ill, so knits are developing but renovation in kitchen isn´t. I finished a set for BlogKid of Drops Alpaca. Because the hat became far too big, I washed it in washing machine. It felted ok, but it looks like boucklee, somehow. Both scarf and hat are knitted like My So Called Scarf, and I think the pattern is ok also with stripes.
And she wanted to do modelling herself, but she was not concentrateing. Allu the Duck is stunting.
And she wanted to do modelling herself, but she was not concentrateing. Allu the Duck is stunting.
Sointuu muuten aika makeesti tytärlapsen maitokahvinväriseen, yksiväriseen talvihaalariin!
Ja lopuksi pieni vilautus mahataudin vuoksi seisovasta remontista. Värit! Värit!
And finally one pic of the kitchen renovation, which doesn´t happen bacause the stomackflu. Colors!
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